Chrissy 0:01
Chris, welcome to The Dogs of our lives podcast with me, your host, Chrissy Messick, in these short digging deeper episodes, we'll dive deeper into interesting topics that arise from my guest interviews, those areas of dog training, behavior, consulting and interspecies communication that provoke more questions that I'd love to answer for you as an expert in the field. And speaking of questions, how well do you really know your dog? Why not try out my quiz, which is linked in the show notes, the questions and the answer might surprise you. Now, let's dig in. In last week's episode, I talked with Dr Chris poll, and we talked about many things, but one of the things we talked about was the spiritual aspect of us and our dogs. And so I'd love to dig a little deeper into that. If you haven't already listened to that episode, the link can be found in the show notes, and it's episode number 14. So the first thing I wanted to talk about is, what is spirituality or intuition, or awareness, or consciousness or energy work. What is that definition? And I think for everyone, it looks a little bit different. And to me, with my research and studies, it's something that's deep within ourselves and connecting deeper within ourselves and then connecting with something bigger than ourselves, or something besides ourselves. And this looks different for many people. So for instance, you can be spiritual, but not religious. And so examples of this could be your Higher Self connecting with nature, meditation. There's so many different ways to connect deeper with yourself, and what I like to do is bridge the gap between science and spirituality. I just think a lot of things that are called spiritual just haven't been explained yet by science. And so, just like dog training, this field is not regulated. You know, there's a bunch of people out there that shouldn't be doing this, that you know are not working in integrity or working ethically. And so a key area you know, in working with your spiritual, spirituality and intuition, is learning how to get into your body and get out of your head, and that's a huge part of it. So the next step or question you might have is, how does this work? If you look at radio frequencies or energy in our own cells, such as ATP or mitochondria, you learn that there are energies and frequencies everywhere that are happening around us and in us, but we just can't see it. We trust that it's happening and we can see that it's happening because of, you know, our radios, our music, our internet, our cell phones and our bodies are functioning, but we just can't see it. We've learned how to harness and direct those energies with all the technology that we have. The same thing goes for our bodies and minds. It's time to get back into our bodies and out of our minds, or at least make it more balanced. Meaning, let's listen to our bodies and then kick in with our critical thinking skills, or however you want to do it. But the key is to learn how to do that again. And with my story, how I kind of started it, my background is really heavy, and, you know, sports medicine and science, and when I started getting getting interested in working with dogs and training behavior, I did that. But at the same time, I was pulled to look into animal communication, which I trusted it, but I was skeptical, so I just kind of learned it. I learned how to get out of my head into my body. I learned how to ground myself and run my own energy before I even started doing any animal communication. So it was really a process of trusting and a lot of validation through a lot of the exercises that I did. So the next question you probably have is, what kind of research is happening, and how do we measure this? And these are really good questions. There are some institutes and universities that are doing this right now, such as the Institute of Noetic Sciences and the University of Saskatchewan. It's going to take some time to get there, but it's slowly happening. A couple of ways that I like to validate my own findings when I do animal communication sessions is to get feedback from the human or what the dog's doing or what the veterinarian says. And I do this with case studies, and this is one of the best ways for me to measure what I'm doing. So typically, what I'll do is I'll have the person send me a form with a question or questions that they have for their dog and a picture of their dog. I don't get any other information about the dog or watch video or anything like that. That way, everything that I'm getting is very neutral. So if you're interested or curious about learning more how to work with your intuitive side, or just kind of energy work. You can look at Eckhart Tolle, he has some good books, Joe Dispenza, Dawson church. These are some good scientific ways of looking at how intuitive work and energy work is done. And so what's happening energetically in our bodies is going to affect our physical body, our. Emotional Body and our mental body. So it's super important that we look at all aspects, and that's why I'm, you know, really fired up at looking at the heart, body, mind and soul aspect of us and our dogs. So your next question might be, well, how the heck do I do this? So think of it this way, Michael Jordan, Tom Brady, and then I have to go with the Colorado connection, with Travis Hunter and Bo Nicks. They all have this natural talent, but they've also worked really hard to develop these skills. And then there are some other players who don't have that natural talent, but they've worked really hard to develop that skill. And so we all have this ability to do this. It's not some magical thing that only some people can do. It's like practicing something to get really, really good at it, like the guitar or the violin. And some practical ways that you can see, if you have this kind of naturally, but you're not even aware of it is so you picture or think of someone, and within the next minute, they call or text you, or you can check in with someone else when they're not even present. Or you have a vivid imagination. You might know when something is amiss, visually or energetically. You can visualize a past vacation setting or new decor in a room. You can visualize a goal or result and create it. You can manifest anything that you want. You dream, whether daydreaming or sleep and remember it, or you can manipulate or control your dream. I used to do that a lot when I was little. Deja Vu is common for you. You're attracted to the nature in the natural world. You have a strong affinity for nature, and you see movies play out in your mind's eye. You know in your heart if an opportunity is a yes or no meaning, you get a hit in your body, and you know you are meant for bigger and greater things, but you haven't fully tapped into it yet. There are many different ways that we can get information, and information that comes to us through my studies and learning. All the teachers have the same way of information coming into us. What I did was I took a quiz through the Institute of Noetic Sciences called the noetic signature inventory characteristic. And there's 12 different characteristics, and you answer questions with a zero meaning you disagree, or 100 meaning you agree, and it gives you numbers on kind of how you get your information. So it's pretty cool, but there are 12 different ways in this study that you can get information, and one is inner knowing. And so this is just gut feeling insight. And you can do this a few different ways knowing through your emotion, which is, you get information without people sharing their feelings with you, feeling in the body where you can access information without the traditional five senses, or knowing in the mind, you just know it to be true, and this appears in your mind without it having to be processed. And I got a 92 in the inner knowing area. The second way is through embodied sensations, meaning you may experience sensations like heat or cold, goosebumps, smells, visions, tastes, sounds, dizziness or tingling, vibration in different parts of your body when you are processing information. And I got really low. I got a one on this. A third way is visualizing to access or effect, and I get information through I see a lot of things. And so I scored a high on this. I got a 99 on this. Fourth Way is inner knowing through touch. And I just by touching an object or someone, you can get information. And I got a zero on this. I have no
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no skill in this area. The fifth way is through healing. So instead of how we receive information, this is how we use the energy, or expressing the energy, and so a lot of people will do this for healing themselves and others. There's been a lot of research directed at humans, animals, plants and cells, and they have found small but significant positive results. And so energy medicine is an example of this kind of work, such as therapeutic touch or Reiki, and I got an 83 in this area. The sixth area is knowing the future. So this is more like pre cognition or pre sentience, and there's been a lot of laboratory studies that show people can know the future, both consciously and unconsciously. And I've, you know, experienced this with some of my readings and a lot of my medical intuitive stuff. And I got a 69 on this. Another aspect of how we get information is physical sensations from other people. And I scored a 76 on this. This is more of like having felt physical sensations in your own body that may have originated from someone else. And these are kind of called telesematic and these are shared by people at a distance, and several studies have been conducted on this phenomenon. Another way we can get information is just by knowing yourself. And so having this ability to run our own energy and be in our own bodies is personal growth, perception of yourself and decision making, and you can use it for that. You know, self healing, a. Awareness and introspection, and this is a great way to develop your intuition. Another way that we can get information is through knowing others minds, and this is where you know integrity and working ethically comes in. But this is called telepathy, and so an example is like when you clearly hear the thoughts of someone else, when you have no other access to the information, such as body language, facial expression, direct communication, and this can be done remotely, at a distance. There's been many studies that demonstrated this in everyday life, and other studies you know, have done it using mild sensory deprivation techniques. And I scored a 92 in this one another way we can get information is through apparent communication with non physical beings. So this is an example of, this is channeling or mediumship, and then this is when we connect with, you know, deceased people or spirit guides. I've connected with dogs that have passed. I got a 99 in this area. You know, there's studies, triple blind studies, that have demonstrated that mediums can obtain verifiable, correct information about deceased people that they couldn't have known through traditional means. Another way is through knowing through dreams. So for example, you might be trying to make a critical decision about your work or life and embed your thinking about it, and then in your dreams you might receive some clarity about the next steps. And in many lab studies, many called Dream ESP experiments, have shown that people can access this information while they're asleep. And so the last one is the inner voice. And sometimes information can come through an inner voice. This is very common, and it's called clairaudience. So there's a difference between the rational mind voice and the inner voice. It's like this information is not processed through the intellectual or rational mind. There's a growing interest in this area, and the research is showing that the inner voice experiences are not always signs of mental illness, but can be normal, functional and add value to people's lives. And so I got 100 on this, and I know I'm not crazy, so it's just a matter of staying neutral and knowing what I'm rationalizing versus just the information that's coming in. So I know that's a lot of information, but I just wanted to give you an idea of ways that you can get information, energetically or intuitively, and it takes practice of getting used to how to do it. So now that we've learned many ways that we can get information, we want to start practicing this. And how do we do this? So before we even start with our animals, we want to learn how to do it with ourselves, and we want to get very good at this so that we can manage our own energy. We know how to listen intuitively to ourselves, and then we can reach out to our dogs and do that. So how we practice learning from those who have done this already, and I practice this every day. So how do we do this with our dog? So let's just start with some very basic things. Let's start with ourselves. Learn how to get in our body, learn how to be neutral and let information just come to us. And we can do this by meditating, being in nature. You might need to start with one minute and then work your way up. Because, to be honest, a lot of us have the monkey mind going, and it's really hard to learn how to get out of your head into your body. And then the second thing we want to do is watch your dog without judgment, and just listen, watch their body language, connect with them and be present with them. You know, while we're playing with them, while we're going on walks, just learn from them. The next thing we want to do is just be humble, be receptive, be open and let the animals teach you. Lastly, believe in what information that is coming to you. It's easy to second guess yourself. So we talked about a lot of stuff today. We talked about what intuition and spirituality is. We talked about how it works. We talked about how to measure and we talked about the research that's going on. We talked about how we do it and how the information comes to us. And lastly, we talked about practice, practice, practice. Learning any new skill takes lots of practice, and it's a matter of trusting yourself, not judging yourself, learning how to validate and let the information come to you. So I hope this was helpful and informative. Let me know. If you have any questions, I would be happy to talk with you. Thank you for joining us today. I hope you discovered a valuable nugget you can implement right away with your dog. If you enjoyed the episode, please follow, rate and share with fellow dog lovers who might benefit. Don't forget to take our How well do you know your dog quiz? You'll find the link in the show notes until next week. Happy tales you.